Net Procedures

ARES Net Procedures

Good Evening, This is the Richland County A.R.E.S Net. Operating on the InterCity Amateur Radio Club Repeater. This net meets every Wednesday evening at 8:00PM Local time on the 146.34/94R repeater W8WE.

Your net control for this session is ______ and my name is ____. (Break)

This net is open to all amateurs within listening range of the repeater; this is an informative as well as a traffic and training net. This is a good place to practice net operating procedures. This is a Controlled Net, so Please direct all communications thru the net control station. If you must break or leave the net, please advise net control using your call sign. (Break)

First, are there any stations with Emergency, or Priority Traffic?

Next are there any stations with Routine Radiogram traffic? (Have them List the traffic) (do not pass the traffic until after check ins)

Is there any GMRS liaison on the air at this time?

Are there any stations with net announcements?

Are there any mobile or stations on short time?

(Take comments as soon as checked in; ask them to try to stay around for net announcements.)

Is the Emergency Coordinator on the air this Evening?

Is the President of the Inter-city Amateur Radio Club on the air this evening?

We will now take check-ins from the four quadrants of Richland County, the 4 quadrants being made by the intersections of State Route 13 & State route 309/430 (Park Avenue). Please use the quadrant you are currently in at this time.

Are there any stations in quadrant 1, the northwest part of Richland County?

Are there any stations in quadrant 2, the northeast part of Richland County?

Are there any stations in quadrant 3, the southwest part of Richland County?

Are there any stations in quadrant 4, the southeast part of Richland County?

Are there any stations outside of Richland County?

Are there any late check-ins? If so please call net control. (At this time have any formal traffic passed followed by any net announcements) (ask for station to take traffic and if no one responds make the assignment to who you want to take the traffic).

(Total GMRS contacts)

We will now have a round of comments. (Take quadrants followed by outside and late.)

Last call for late stations or stations with additional comments.

If there is anyone Listening Interested in Amateur Radio, ARES, or Skywarn the Club web site is WWW.W8WE.ORG, the ARES website is ARESRC.COM or you may send an Email to me at (Break)

This concludes this week’s net. On behalf of the Inter-City Amateur radio club and the Richland County ARES Group, I want to thank all that participated in this net.

This net will meet next Wednesday night at 8pm on this frequency.

The net is now closed and the repeater will be returned to normal amateur radio use. This is Your Call. (Break)

Oleo Bone
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